Abstracts (english)


 Ruedi Brassel: The peace congress in the church. On its resonance within Swiss Protestantism

Markus Bürgi: Positions on war and peace in the First and Second International

Callahan, Kevin: The Demonstration Culture of the Second International: A Case Study of the 1912 Basel International Socialist Peace Congress

Michael Mülli: Unsicherheit, Sicherheit, Freiheit. Zur Rationalität der Schweizer Sicherheitspolitik

Marina Cattaruzza: Social democracy in the Habsburg monarchy between supranational loyalties and nation building

Ruth Daellenbach: Strengthening civil society to promote social justice and peace – from practical experience in development cooperation

Stéphanie Danneberg: The peace issue and resonance of the congresses of the Second International in the Transylvanian social democracy

Walter Daugsch: The Balkan Federation, the Balkan Wars and the International: Social democracy in South Eastern Europe, 1908-1914

Bernard Degen: The Basel labour movement organises an international socialist congress

Rebekka Ehret: War, social inequality and cultural causes. A discussion illustrated by the example of Sierra Leone

Gernot Erler: Europe as a force for peace: From the peace movement at the beginning of the 20th century to the role of the EU in international crisis prevention

Rahel Fischer: Women in the peace movement – from the peace congress to UN resolution 1325

Stig Förster: The background to the congress: The international situation, the arms race and the increasing threat of war

Markus Furrer: The 1905 Universal Peace Congress in Lucerne: A major local event in a tense international arena

Laurent Goetschel: From war avoidance to conflict prevention: Changes in the instruments used to contain violent conflicts

  Gross Andreas: Basler Lektion von 1912: Versagen als transnationale Kraft. Was haben wir gelernt? Und weshalb versagen wir wieder?

Jan Hansen: Rearmament? Social democracy and the question of peace in the 1980s

Höpken, Wolfgang: Die Balkankriege 1912/13 in der europäischen Kriegsgeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts

Peter Huber: The French delegates: A socio-biographical profile

Hyslop, Jonathan: Militarism, Socialism and Pacifism in South Africa 1910-1915

Egbert Jahn: From the movement against war to the movement for peace. Key developments in the last century

Rudolf Jaun: Jean Jaurès’ L'armée nouvelle as a vision for society and for the prevention of war

Joseph Jurt: The debate between Charles Andler and Jean Jaurès on the German social democrats’ desire for peace

Nikolaus Katzer: What is peace? Tolstoy and Gorky in the dialogue on human nature

Fabian Klose: Humanitarian intervention as an instrument of international peacekeeping?

Christian Koller: A narrative against war and nationalism? German social democracy and the 1913 commemorations of the Battle of the Nations

Georg Kreis: Reconstructing the past with a bearing on the present: The third Monday Evening presented by the Basel Theatre in November 1982


Josef Lang: War on terror? Assessment of a disaster

Annelies Laschitza: Rosa Luxemburg’s and Karl Liebknecht’s focus in the fight against war, 1911-1913

Ottokar Luban: The revolutionary mass actions against the war in Germany 1916-1918

Barbara Lüthi: Militarising borders and deserts: The transformation of the US-Mexican borderland in the name of security

Pascal Maeder: Close to the action! The perception and impact of the peace conference in Basel’s foreign environs

Francesco Marin: From Basel 1912 to Stockholm 1917. Socialism and internationalism before and during World War I as illustrated by the German-Austrian Social Democracy

Christian Mielenz: ‘International solidarity’ – a paradox? On the unresolved dilemma of nation vs. internationalism in the Second International as the reason for its failure

Mooser, Josef:Sozialisten und Krieg“. Karl Kautskys Alterswerk von 1937 im Licht seiner politischen Biographie

Philipp Casula & Michael Mülli: ‘Politics as a continuation of war by other means’? – On the relationship between politics, security, order and war

Mulligan, Wiliam: Anticipating war in Britain and France: everyday life and popular attitudes towards war from the Balkan Wars to the First World War

Kathrin Pavic: ‘The Balkans for the Balkan peoples’. The socialist view of the Balkan states leading up to the Extraordinary Congress ‘Against War’ as illustrated in the Basler Vorwärts

Erik Petry: Between peace and Zionism? Jewish delegates at the 1912 congress

Jörg Plass: War and the prevention of war. The war of the future in the work of Jan Bloch (Hague Conference)

Cordula Reimann: What are the implications of the ‘Arab Spring’ for the theory and practice of peacebuilding?

Sabine Rutar: The perception of the Balkan wars and of the general threat of war among Trieste socialists

Günther Sandner: War economy as a project for peace: Otto Neurath’s ‘Utopia as a Social Engineer’s Construction’

Tamara Scheer: The Austro-Hungarian War Surveillance Office and the question of peace in World War I

Bruno Schoch: The conflict between internationalism and nationalism in the Second International

Kristina Schulz: Socialist women’s organisations, the bourgeois women’s movement and the First World War: National and transnational perspectives

Svetlana Stefanović: ‘We are soaked in blood’: The Balkan wars in the thought and action of Serbian women

Feliks Tych: The civilising aspirations of the Second International

Jürg Ulrich: Antid Oto’s commentaries on the Balkan wars of 1912-13 in the liberal Kiev newspaper Kievskaia mysl’

André Vanoncini: Louis Aragon’s The Bells of Basel (1934)

Regina Wecker: Female delegates at the peace congress and the ‘peaceable women’

Wolfram Wette: Preventing war, then and now. What message does the Basel Peace Congress have for us today?

Edgar Wolfrum: Basel 1912 as an object of the culture of remembrance

Rolf Wörsdörfer: Colonial latecomers and anti-war politics: From the ‘Hottentot elections’ to the party congress in Reggio Emilia (1907-1912)

Zarnegin, Kathy: Die Lust am Krieg